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A pallet to Ukraine

Take part in our campaign "A pallet to Ukraine".

We call on all German and all European mineral water companies to donate on a pallet and take it to the aid organizations, the local authorities or to the border area.

This way we can achieve something pretty big together. Please consider your options and leave no stone unturned. Hundreds of thousands of people are fleeing through no fault of their own. The most important food is currently water. In many places, however, access to clean drinking water has now been cut off by the acts of war.

Together we can do more.

Water knows no borders.

water connects.

water united.

water helps.

Share your water, thanks!

#mineral water companies #mineral water #water #spring water #drinking water #tap water #clean water #apallettoukraine #einepaletteindieukraine #waterknowsnoborders #waterhelps #waterunites #wateraid

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