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All things new

Good day dear friends of good water,

Today we would like to inform you that our online shop has now been switched to Shopify and that we can provide you with a significantly improved shopping experience. In the last few months we have been working hard to expand and set up our new warehouse in Meckesheim near Heidelberg in order to be able to offer you an even larger and more varied range.

We are particularly proud of our current selection of new water brands, which we now also have in our shop. From sparkling to still and from mild to mineral - with us you will find the perfect water for every taste. But not only that: we have also expanded our range of pre-selected boxes in different sizes. Here we have put together a great selection of different water brands and categorized them by topic. Many boxes also come with matching video clips.

Another highlight is our significantly expanded category for water tastings. Here you can be inspired and rediscover water enjoyment.

We hope that you are as excited as we are about the new products and offers in our shop and we are always there for you if you have any questions or suggestions.

Best regards

Pat Eckert, water sommelier and her team from FINE LIQUIDS

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