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    By Patrick Eckert

    Excerpt from the current article in HARBOR Magazine: Things were heating up in the tasty water world that came to life in Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain, at the end of April...

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  • All things new

    By Patrick Eckert

    Good day dear friends of good water, Today we would like to inform you that our online shop has now been switched to Shopify and that we can provide you...

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  • Livestream: THREE BAYS international Water Tasting

    By Patrick Eckert

    On our next live stream, the fine liquids community will meet Dayle and Olaf from THREE BAYS directly at the source down under in Australia. We are extremely happy to...

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  • Water hop malt N° 7

    By Patrick Eckert

    Oha, new episode of German water tasting with my best man in the region Maik Spiral Berger today on youtube. Together we will taste 4 varieties of St. Leonhard's springs...

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  • 24 hour live stream on twitch

    By Patrick Eckert

    Your personal invitation to our first 24-hour live stream for World Water Day. That has never happened before. We broadcast under the motto #cancelworldwaterday on March 22, 24 hours live on our...

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  • Glacier water tasting 2022

    By Patrick Eckert

    Hello friends of good taste, here comes the fourth episode WASSER HOPFEN MALZ with Maik Spiral Berger and Pat Eckert. The DRY JANUARY episode is all about glacial waters for...

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    By Patrick Eckert

    A pallet to Ukraine Take part in our campaign "A pallet to Ukraine". We call on all German and all European mineral water companies to donate on a pallet and...

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  • #cancelworldwaterday

    By Patrick Eckert

    #cancelworldwaterday 24 hours live on World Water Day FINE LIQUIDS' Pat Eckert broadcasts 24 hours non-stop on World Water Day We invite you to discuss with us. Tell us your reason...

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  • Aquapax international water tasting

    By Patrick Eckert

    When we decided to do a live show with Aquapax, I didn't know anything except the name. When I went to work this morning to develop the advertising for this...

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    By Patrick Eckert

    2/4/2022 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m Registration deadline 01/21/2022 Virtual water tasting by FINE LIQUIDS With Pat Eckert and Maik Spiral Berger The WASSER HOPFEN MALZ team accompanies you on...

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    By Patrick Eckert

    Hello Water Lovers, this weekend the Fine Liquids community is meeting up once again for another amazing Livestream across the planet and over all borders. Because water knows no borders....

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  • Water Aid Tasting Session 2022

    By Patrick Eckert

    On 31st January 2022 Fine-Liquids is hosting a special event with Water Aid UK and all the fabulous and dedicated participants in the Just Water 2022 Campaign. The amazing dedication...

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